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Legacy Midwives Care

We provide individual and personalized care for each family that chooses Legacy Midwives for their pregnancy and delivery. The midwives believe that pregnancy is a natural function of a woman’s body and is not an illness.


Each woman’s progress is carefully monitored through pregnancy to prevent a complication and help guide the mother to the healthiest pregnancy and birth possible. Legacy Midwives strives to explore the underlying cause for our bodies dysfunction and approach healing from a natural approach.


Midwives are not doctors and we cannot diagnose or treat illness. They only offer support for the bodies natural mechanisms for healing itself. When a dysfunction does not respond to support, midwives will refer to a physician for medical treatment.

In labor, midwives provide support, monitoring and a sacred space in which to meet your miracle.


There is freedom to experience the power and beauty that is birth.


After your baby has arrived, the midwives support you to bond and get to know this new little one, in a peaceful and uninterrupted time. They encourage skin to skin contact, delayed cord clamping, a calm environment, and early breastfeeding. 

Maternity Care

Complete Maternity  Care

Complete care is offered with Legacy Midwives for your pregnancy, from conception to postpartum,

for women who are low risk.

An initial assessment and then ongoing assessment throughout the pregnancy is conducted to

determine if a woman is low risk.

If a low risk pregnancy requires a higher level of care, our midwives walk along side the family through the process of finding the right provider to continue care.

It is our goal to work with families to grow their legacy, while increasing their family's overall education

on achieving a holistic lifestyle for well

beyond the childbearing years.


Prenatal Care

Our midwives provide comprehensive and individualized care plans based on your specific needs.

This includes regular visits for assessment of mother and baby 

during your pregnancy.

As part of your care we will

perform regular lab work,

provide referral for sonographic imaging, diet assessment, and education on pregnancy

related issues as they

relate to you personally. 

You are invited to bring family members for your visits if you desire.

Labor & Delivery

When it is time for your baby to arrive,

the midwives will attend you in your home

and provide support during your labor. Prior to delivery, a trained birth assistant will also be in attendance to assist you and your new baby as you both make the transition from pregnancy to birth.

We provide intermittent monitoring of fetal well being, vital signs during labor and a minimum of two hours post birth for mother and baby.

The midwives bring with them the necessary supplies to help manage complications that occasionally arise during and immediately post birth.

We work to ensure our midwives

and birth assistance are trained and

ready to help with any situtation

that might 

Postpartum Care

The day following the birth, a midwife will call to answer any questions the family might have and schedule the follow up in person visit.
We provider your first postpartum

visit in your home to assess

both mother and baby.

This includes a newborn assessment of weight, vital signs, nursing, jaundice and blood oxygen level; we will also provide an assessment of the mother’s vital signs, breastfeeding, and

emotional status.

 We will repeat the above assessment

at a second visit at our office at

2-3 weeks postpartum.

A final well woman visit is included for 8 weeks post delivery for pap screen if needed/desired.  


Pre-Conception Counseling

Legacy Midwives offers an in-depth interview to learn what your needs are and consider any complications to conception. This includes diet history, lifestyle history, medical history and family history for women. We will do further evaluation of your partner if needed, for an additional consultation fee. Lab work and genetic testing may be offered, but with limited counseling in this area. After review of your specific needs, the midwives can help with changes and additions to your current routine to optimize a healthy start to your pregnancy.


Fertility Counseling

Midwives are not physicians and therefore we can not treat infertility. However, midwives do offer plans to naturally optimize your ability to conceive. These include lifestyle and dietary changes; as well as recommend the use of herbal and whole food supplements and education to facilitate your own body’s ability to conceive.

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